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게시자: Park, Yoon-Jae

Dr. Park, Yoon-Jae(박윤재) Affiliation Adjunct Professor, aSSIST Security Design Evaluation Association, Public Relations Director Korea Physical Security Association, Regular Member Future Industry Intelligence Co., Ltd, Director State Department of Veterans Affairs, Mentor Industry Security Professional Media, Boan24, Editor BlockChain Security Association, Association Courses Industrial Security Policy Research industrial Security Consulting Internet of Things Security Research Information protection Technology and Strategy Privacy Policy and Case Studies Access Control Technology and Strategy Research 4th Industrial Revolution and BlockChain Security Research Drone coordination and Operational Security Research Cloud Security Case Study Crime Prevention Management Methodology Research Education 2012. 03, MBA. in Industrial Security, aSSIST 2018. 10, Ph.D. in Information Security, SVU Experience Seoul School of Integrated Sciences & Technologies (2016.9 ~ present), Adjunct Professor Security Industry Research Association (2015.12-present), Director Security Design Evaluation Association (2018.11), Director Non-profit corporation National Safety Agency (2017.06--present), director Published Journals A Research on the Effectiveness of the Vulnerability Detection Against Leakage of Proprietary Information Using Digital Forensic Methods(2017.9), KCI. A Study on Passwordless Authentication Technology and Its Effects,Vol. 6, No 1, June 2018, IJRIA. A Study on Digital Signature Authentication Algorithm Based on Multi-Factor and Public Key Infrastructure, International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 8 (1.4) (2019) 630-63, SCOPUS.

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